1. Eligibility 参赛对象

Children aged from 3 to 6


2. Contest Agenda 比赛日程
3. Rules and participation 赛制及参与方式
1.  Group Setting and Speech Topics
a. Green Travel Mini-Superheroes

Have you noticed that our planet has become increasingly crowded and the sky blue is fading away? Now it’s your turn to design a new smart vehicle or road to protect our fading sky. Let your imagination run wild!


b. Road Safety Mini-Superheroes

People who run the red light or use their phones while driving are not only risking their own lives but posing potential threats to other people’s life. Mini-Superheroes of Road Safety, let’s find a way to save them!


c. Animal Conservation Mini-Superheroes

Due to global warming and environmental deterioration, many animals are on the edge of extinction such as pandas, polar bears and penguins. Mini-Superheroes of Animal Conservation, it’s your duty to protect these endangered animal friends. Please choose one animal friend and tell us how it is in danger and how you will protect it.
